Events and competitions

Educational robotics events and competitions are a vital part of the robotics community for children and youth. These events give kids the chance to put their robotics skills and knowledge into practice, as well as encourage teamwork, problem solving, and creativity.

In addition, robotics competitions and events also offer a unique opportunity for children to interact with other children interested in robotics and learn from their experiences. This encourages collaboration and learning, and helps build a stronger, more united community around educational robotics.

RoboRave International is a leading organization in the field of educational robotics and is proud to offer a wide variety of events and competitions for children and young people interested in robotics. From local events to international competitions, RoboRave gives kids the chance to develop their skills and compete with other kids from around the world..

In summary, educational robotics events and competitions are a crucial part of the robotics community for children and youth. By giving children and youth the opportunity to put their skills and knowledge to use, and to interact with other children interested in robotics, we are helping foster the growth and success of the next generation of STEM leaders. With leading organizations like RoboRave International at the forefront, we can ensure that robotics remains a valuable tool for children's learning and growth.

Events and competitions
RoboRAVE International 31 January, 2023

RoboRAVE Int.
Technical knowledge in robotics